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Highly Effective "Working" Workshops and Webinars

Due to increased need for remote learning, safety, and cost-effective training - The Farm Plan now makes that same intensive and interactive experience available online. If you don't see a scheduled webinar, or you think you or your growers' group would benefit from online training, let us know, we will create one just for you, with you! The Live Webinars are an opportunity to fill a room, while still being comfortable, and having one-on-one questions and answers with Juli. 

For one farm or Grower Groups such as Pack House, Processors, Brokers and Crop Associations

Designed from a farmer's point of view, The Farm Plan is all the answers all in one place. Our report system has 100% of the required forms, a filing system that gathers all the needed documents, your farm policy and every management plan and risk assessment needed. It includes an on-farm checklist, a worker-training program and clear instructions on every page.
In a lively 1-day workshop you’ll learn the rules while we do about 75% of the paperwork together. The Farm Plan contains only and exactly what is required. Each grower leaves this workshop with our on-farm checklist firmly in hand and the attitude to get it done.

Upcoming Open Workshops

Open Workshops

Sign Up or Organize in Your Area










Scheduled around the US this workshop is open to all who choose to sign up.  This is the ideal workshop for all crops and all farm sizes.  Do you know a group of farmers who would benefit from a food safety workshop?  One where the trainer is a farmer?  Let us know and we'll do our best to be there.

Grower Group Exclusive

 Pack House, Processor, Association....








A Grower Group is a collection of farms who sell their crop to, or through the same outlet. Commonly the outlet is a pack house, retailer, processor or crop broker.

The group may be 'Option 1' farms in charge of their own food safety or 'Option 2' farms selling under the service of a group manager.

Private On Your Farm

For staff, workers and Contract Growers







Large farms with crop handling or storage benefit greatly from the one-on-one attention to every farm detail.  From paperwork to workers and everything in between this includes full training, a complete pre-audit of the farm using the same audit forms the auditor will use.  A custom food safety system to meet your farms unique situations is completed. 

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